Sunday 31 July 2011

Is he choking, is he vomiting, is he choking on his own vomit?

SO, more italian horror. Hell of the Living Dead, made by some cat named Bruno Mattei, has a Goblin soundtrack ripped straight from Romero's Dawn of the Dead 1978 and some other film, has numerous extravagant titles that go along the lines of CREEPING FLESH EATERS, this film is fucking cool.

"I'm a tit man myself."

SO, HELL follows an italian SWAT team that is sent on a mission to New Guinea, the italian police have a world wide jurisdiction, to investigate a leak at a chemical plant that was supposedly working on feeding people in the third world (actually, the plant is making a virus that will wipe out most of the population of the third world somehow making it better for industrialized countries). THIS LEAK TURNED EVERYONE INTO RIDICULOUS LOOKING ZOMBIES (goodbye blackface, hello blueface). SO, this SWAT team runs into some journalist and cameraman who have been travelling with this family.


The husband goes on this "modern women" rant blaming his sons hideous wounds caused by "native lunatics" on his wife. SHE GETS GANKED BY A ZOMBIE MISSIONARY while she's out wandering around. The cameraman and journalist go off and flirt and the husband gets eaten by his son. The cameraman and journalist get rescued by the swat team and then starts this insane journey that involves zombies zombies zombies zombies naked natives, stock footage of animals (some of whom aren't even found in New Guinea) and an "eye popping ending"
Actual Screenshot
The title of this blog describes a scene when the cameraman sees the kid eating his fathers guts. The cameraman starts to retch, the most unconvincing retching ever, where he's holding his throat as if he was choking then after about a half a minute of that he couchs up the chunkiest looking vomit i've ever seen.

ON ANOTHER NOTE, Fantasia is in town and I have only been to one film which was actually pretty great. The Whisperer in the Darkness, based on an H.P. Lovecraft story this 1930s style film was packed with awesomely terrible CGI and really darkish funny moments. I am going to see Don't be Afraid of the Dark later on this week, a film produced and co-written by the consistently awesome Guillermo del Toro and hopefully I will get a chance to see Takashi (Ichi the Killer) Miike's film thirteen assassin's.

I just had to put this up.

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